An exploration between necessity and imagination….
L I M I N A L design studio is a multidisciplinary design practice exploring how architects can make positive impacts in a variety of scales. Our practice deals with necessities of life: clothing, shelter, community and food. This translates to us as architecture, product design, and urban design. The underlining connection between all of these industries is design and how we can make a positive impact on the environment, our clients, and the community we all live in.
The hope is L I M I N A L ( the space between ) can find a resolution between what is needed and what is imagined.
Michelle M Hipps-Cruz
Michelle is a licensed architect with over 15 years of practice experience in Urban Design and Architecture. She has an affinity to work in a variety of design levels from fashion to the scale of the city. She attended the University of Miami in Miami, Florida where she was able to explore her interests in urban design and architecture. She further enhanced her skills by acquiring a Master of Science in Urban Design from the University of Texas School of Architecture in Austin, Texas. She has won several design competitions, and most recently was awarded City Design Fellowship where she continues to share her knowledge while teaching at the University of Texas. Michelle also incorporates the design of exquisite wedding dresses in her practice. Michelle sees the ability of working on many different scales as not as a burden but as an enhancement of her skills. She believes this allows her to share her passion with a variety of clients and show them how good design is an universal language.